Conditions of participation

The organizer of the competition is:
PrimeWorks Media LLC
Principal Place of Business:
1309 Coffeen Avenue, STE 1200
Sheridan, Wyoming 82801

Participation in the competition is free and does not require the purchase of a product. However, the competition serves commercial purposes and is financed through advertising and the use of participants’ data, as described in section 2. Adults with legal capacity who are resident or permanently resident in Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands or Switzerland are eligible to participate. These people must be in one of the areas mentioned at the time of participation. Employees of PrimeWorks Media LLC and their relatives are excluded from participation.

Each participant may only register once and only submit one tip for the respective drawing per registration. Multiple registrations are not permitted. Participation requires the provision of complete and truthful data. Invalid or incomplete information will result in exclusion from the competition. Participants must also consent to the use of their data for advertising purposes in accordance with Section 7 of the German Act Against Unfair Competition.

Use of participants’ personal data for advertising purposes, right of objection
As part of the participation, the participant agrees that the data they provide may be used for advertising purposes. This includes use by the sponsors of the competition, who may use the data to personalize and design their advertising measures.

PrimeWorks Media LLC is entitled to use the participants’ postal address for direct marketing purposes. The data is only transmitted to sponsors to the extent necessary.

The participant can object to the use of his data at any time. An objection before the draw leads to exclusion from the competition. Details on the right of objection can be found in the privacy policy.

Validity of the tip
Participants must activate their user account by clicking on a confirmation link that is sent to them by email after registration. Clicking on the link also serves as a double opt-in for registering for the newsletter.

A tip is valid when a complete confirmation appears on the screen. Changes after a tip is submitted are not possible.

Game play
Participation requires the selection of numbers or the use of a random generator provided by PrimeWorks Media LLC. Further details on the game play and closing times are explained in the specific competition guidelines.
Details on the prize categories and prizes as well as the payment of the main prize are published in the specific competition guidelines.
Notification and payment
Winners will be notified by email. The main prize will only be paid out upon presentation of suitable identification and the completed prize form. The winner undertakes to pay any taxes that may arise themselves.

If a winner does not respond within two months of notification, the prize will be forfeited.

Exclusion from the competition
PrimeWorks Media LLC reserves the right to exclude participants from the competition for objectively justified reasons. This applies in particular to false information, multiple registrations or violations of the conditions of participation.
Limitation of liability
The liability of PrimeWorks Media LLC is governed by the statutory provisions. In the case of simple negligence, liability is limited to foreseeable, contract-typical damages. This limitation does not apply to injuries to life, body or health.
Final provisions
The competition is subject to the laws of the state of Wyoming, USA. Legal recourse is excluded. Should individual provisions be invalid, the remaining conditions remain unaffected.